An article posted by Janye Bugda is showing the "engineering olympics" that were put on by Wilkes University at a local Pennsylvania high school. These types of events seem to be occurring more and more attempting to spark the interest of high school students to the engineering field.

This specific competition had high school students from Pennsylvania come to display their skills and the winner would receive $10,000 towards their education at Wilkes. The students did not know what the task were going into the competition, but were then asked to complete certain task like creating a water distribution system and a catapult. This challenges the thinking of the students without using research. The students at the event discussed the difficulty in the task and the amount of math and science thinking needed to be successful.
I have personally seen these in my past high school career and was a part of a similar long-term STEM program. These programs allow students to change their high school education and push it towards the STEM fields. The real world is in high demand of engineers as discussed in past blog post.
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