Sunday, March 5, 2017

Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering

By: Alex Vu

The idea of artificial intelligence is to be able to make a program that can perform a single human function without accounting for the human error.

In any field that is run by people can not escape the fact of human error, even if you have the brightest people in the world working on a project there will still be human error.  In Civil engineering the engineering design, construction management, and the decision making were mainly influenced by many uncertainties that included math, physics and mechanics.
link here
Essentially we would be engineering a mechanical human that can be programmed to solve complex problems without any uncertainty and we would have a "perfect world".

Even with super intelligence, it is made by people so it will have human error no matter how hard we try. If used in the wrong way, it can be used for dangerous weapons or it can sometimes veer off the path of the function we programmed it to perform.


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