Friday, January 27, 2017

What Is Engineering To Me?

By: Alex Vu

My desire to pursue a career that involved engineering dates all the way back to elementary school.  At the time I did not even know what engineering was, I just liked playing with these things called fuze beads because there were unlimited possibilities that I could make with them.  All through out
my life, I was surrounded by objects that could be made a million different ways for example, there were K'nex, legos, and a computer game called fantastic contraption.  Whenever I would finish building one thing all my parents thought, "Oh Hey! You finished it!".  But when in fact I was more interested in what was the purpose for each piece. And when I found out that there was a career that would cater to my specific interests, I knew that engineering had to be the thing for me.  I guess my childhood has helped me to grasp a small understanding of what engineering actually is.      
Rather than looking at it as a bunch of lego pieces,  I thought of it as if this were real ( obviously it is) how is this made to hold so much weight?

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